"Make my Homepage?"
Make your Homepage Smart & Stylish..!!
Organize all your bookmarks at one place: Save favorite web sites and applications in your homepage. Organize them into lists and access them with just few clicks. Example: Demo User
Public profile
Make lists of your favorite web content public and share them with the world. With custom backgrounds add your personal touch to your homepage.
Organize websites
With FavMee remembering and typing web addresses of your favorite web content is behind you. Let the your Homepage be your new homepage.
Enjoy surfing
Add your favorite Games, Music, Search Engies, Notepads, etc to your homepage.
√ Interesting?
With FavMee, you can easily customize the Bookmarks and can easily make the bookmarks public or private. Top 25 Public bookmarks can be viewed on your personal homepage.
You can also add thousands of widgets, including news, sports, e-mail, local events, search, photos, music, videos - even interactive tools like a calendar and a to-do list - and just about anything else you do on the Web at school, work and at home.